September 26, 2024

Who Are The MAGA People?

January 05, 2024

Bret Weinstein Exposes the World Health Organization’s Dark Agenda

November 21, 2023

Contrary to Ordinary - Jerry Jeff Walker

Love this song since I myself am contrary to ordinary. 

August 07, 2023

April 27, 2019

Silly me, I went looking for my "Wyoming Collection" in my Signature Print website and found I had neglected to create one. I fixed that - take a look.
The Wyoming Collection

April 15, 2017

Hidden Figures Review (2017)

I'm not much of a movie watcher but I'm glad I took the time to watch this one.  So happy to learn of this, what a story. Both a sad story because of the way we were, yet also a story of triumph. An amazingly poignant example of our collective human ignorance of how hate retards our progress and how the indomitable spirit of a few overcame the stupidity of the masses.

March 02, 2017

Delta Airlines - a warning

I spent days on the Delta website trying to find flights I can afford and that will work with my itinerary. When I settled on a flight where I could save a lot of money by having my wife drive a short leg of the journey, i pulled the trigger and started booking the flight.   I wasn't logged into my account, I then entered my frequent flyer ID and had to log in.  I crossed all the Ts and dotted all the Is and when I hit the buy finish button.  At that time the "Fare Change" dialoge box came up demanding another $299.00.    I was pissed.  I find something what works for $998.00 and by the time I fill out the purchase agreement on your website you try to sodomize me for another $300.00.

Of course I phoned Delta to ask WTF!   Delta then quoted the $998.00 flight which was still available after all, I booked it. This process wasted a lot of my time as well as the time of the Delta employee who had to repeat on the phone what I had already completed online.  This made me ponder a few thing about process.

After this exasperating experience I had to go for a hike to clear my head.   With clarity came an epiphany; considering my both logged in and logged out searches and the inconsistent results I had to conclude Delta must charge frequent fliers more money to make up for the discount they give.  This would explain the $300.00 jump after I logged in.

As I said, I spent days, well maybe several hours spread over several days.   While consulting with my wife about when she was available to fly, where she was willing to fly from caused many starts and stops on my searches. I couldn't always replicate results that I had found earlier.Sometimes I'd be logged into my frequent flyer miles account, sometimes I wasn't.  Hmmm.

I certainly got into the wrong frequent flier program and am getting out as soon as I use up my accumulated miles.

Further more, I'm still pissed about you bumping me out of me "Delta Comfort" isle seat on my return flight from South Africa.   I buy Isle seats for the convince of your other passengers, because of my health issues which mandate me moving around the cabin often.

Every time I fly with Delta, I regret it afterwards.

December 11, 2016

The Eagles Nest

One day after 25 years of searching I found an eagles nest I could look down into. Cameos of some of the animals and birds from around the nest.

September 30, 2016

Glenn Beck ~ shut your pie hole!!!

Glenn Beck ~ Shut Your Pie Hole

Ok Glenn; you are too moral to vote for Trump, I get it.

Yes I understand your show, I have been a loyal listener since 2001. I understand you fancy yourself as a twenty first century George Whitefield, a noble aspiration!

I understand morality is great, and principles are wonderful. I also understand other metaphors help the thickheaded. Bill Bennett once passed along one once: “pacifists are the unwitting ally of the enemy”. I guess today we could use this baseline to construe “the moralist is the unwittingly alley of the enemy.”
"An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup." H.L. Mencken .

I also was a Cruz guy, Cruz lost! Glenn you once had millions of followers, the number, I’m sure, remains large. As you undermine our better of, two bad choices, proclaiming you have no influence, I will argue you have more than I wish you did.

One of my closest friends is an evangelical; in 2012 Steve, morally couldn’t vote for the cult member (Romney “Mormon”). Before the election I tried to reason with him; “wouldn’t you rather have the cult member than the Muslim? Steve replied; I prey about it, but I’ll let God decide. Millions of evangelicals did the same. Well Glenn, I don’t like Gods decision of 2012.

In 2008 I published an article called “A deist among the Mormons” stating how although I’m a deist, I love my Idaho Mormon neighbors. The best family/community people I have ever had the pleasure to live among. As a matter of fact, I met you at Frank VanderSloot’s barn in Idaho Falls.
All the days I can briefly listen to your show, I hear you extrol morality, and how yours can’t be tainted by a Trump vote; your remaining followers, thus to remain moral by your measure, also won’t vote for Trump. I am saddened that I am compelled to reach for the off switch of your show at a greater frequency than I ever did for the off switch for Michael Savage when Savage goes on to gratuitously savage his competitors.

You, Pat, Stu, and a dozen minions can gather around your ever shrinking circle, you say you are willing to lead, and pat each other on your back about how moral you are and we immoral deserve the America Hillary gives us.

I republished “A deist among the Mormons” in 2012, I then posted it to Free Republic where I was savaged by publisher Jim Robinson and his freeper followers, Jim Robinson, much too late tried to rally his followers to vote for Romney; however it is tough to unring a bell.

I am sure that Hillary is delighted you have become her favorite useful idiot, as you whistle past the graveyard on your morality advocacy high horse; you will deliver her the one percent that sends her over the top.

The good thing about my friend Steve is he didn’t have a microphone, although he did listen the microphone of others.

Now get off your grandstand and shut your pie hole!

April 06, 2016

Daryl L. Hunter - Talking about Grizzlies

Daryl L. Hunter talking about Grizzly Bears.

protective firewall for grizzlies

delisting of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear is imminent and this we should
celebrate (‘’’’dancing’’’’). Now that our happy dance is complete, we must
insure the grizzlies’recovery is permanent.  To insure “continuity of achievement,” the grizzlies need a
firewall to protect the success of this achievement from human foible.

Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) was formed in 1983 to help ensure
recovery of viable grizzly bear populations and their habitat in the lower 48
states through interagency coordination of policy, planning, management and
research. Many people have been working on this recovery for decades, for some;
it has been most of their career. 
I can understand why the delisting of the grizzly before their
retirement is their goal. A metaphorical gold watch if you will.

will argue differently, but I believe that our “isolated” population of
grizzlies has recovered; albeit tenuously, and I don’t have a problem with the
delisting.  The problem is, as the
delisting of the wolves demonstrated; a hunting season for grizzlies will soon
follow. I believe a hunting season is a freight train coming at us we can’t
stop! Managing grizzly bears for the Game and Fish departments is expensive,
and they desire to recoup some expense with grizzly bear hunting tags, but
their real savings will be the killing of bears. All we can do is hope to
mitigate the outcome by providing a firewall, a fall back zone where the
grizzlies will never be hunted, an incubator of sorts. 

tolerance” is the term used by grizzly managers when considering the human
factor intersect.  Social
acceptance is a tough sell for those who fear predators might hurt their
children along the wildland-urban interface; grizzly advocates must understand
this as we move forward with our mitigative efforts to insure a long-term
grizzly recovery. If the residents on the outskirts of our towns and ranchers
along the periphery of your National Forests can protect their property, social
acceptance for grizzlies in our wild areas will grow.  If people keep getting attacked outside Livingston, and
grizzlies are harvesting apples in St. Anthony, or trying to den in garages in
Driggs, social tolerance will shrink. We need to cultivate social tolerance,
not risk it.

social tolerance for grizzlies is high because I have one of the 155+ easily
discernable jobs created by grizzly bear tourism. Because of my familiarity, I
understand bears aren’t out to get us. 
I consider them “Revenue Bears,” Game and Fish doesn’t. Every hotel and
restaurant of the Greater Yellowstone communities are beneficiaries of “Revenue
Bear” tourism. 

I wish we wouldn’t have a hunt, but as a pragmatist, I don’t
have a problem with a limited hunting season for the grizzly bears.   What is good for the wilderness
isn’t necessarily good for the outskirts of Cody Wyoming, Bozeman Montana, and
St Anthony Idaho. Although hunting will kill some bears outside the wilderness,
I believe it will encourage bears who learn to fear humans to stay in the wild
areas. In the wild areas they will be out of people’s back yards, and away from
ranches. We have many black bears where I live in Swan Valley Idaho, but I
never see them because they are hunted. 
I see their tracks; I hear them busting through the woods and across the
creeks when they hear me in the area. 
Because they are hunted, they avoid people.

Wyoming, Idaho and Montana Game and Fish departments who are also part of the
IGBC, will argue that Yellowstone and Grand Teton Parks are the safety zone
firewall that will protect the grizzlies. I counter point; if Yellowstone and
Grand Teton Parks could protect them, why did the population crash to start
with? That is why the alphabet soup of agencies of the IGBC in 1993 created the
more logical and demonstrably effective 
“Grizzly Bear Recovery Zone”; known today as the  “Primary Conservation Area (PCA).”

PCA has fostered the glacial pace yet successful recovery we enjoy today. This
Primary Conservation Area is 9,210 square miles equaling 5,893,760 acres. This
original  “Grizzly Bear Recovery
Zone” has to be the firewall “no hunting zone” to insure the  “continuity of achievement” of the
Grizzly Bear Recovery effort.

Game and Fish thinks 7,229 square miles equaling 4,626,560 acres is
adequate.  “I’m sure Montana and
Idaho Game and Fish agree. Clearly that would infringe on the range the Grizzly
Recovery efforts deemed important essential recovery habitat.

IGBC Recovery Plan states; The PCA contains “The Minimum ” seasonal habitat
components needed to support the recovered grizzly bear population, as defined
in the Recovery Plan. “A recovered population is one having a high probability
of existence into the foreseeable future (greater than 100 years).” (Note) This
statement in the recovery plan was drafted before the crash of the essential
food sources, white bark pine and the Yellowstone cutthroat trout populations.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are also
part of the IGBC,
whose mission statement says; “ Work with
others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their
habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.” However upon
grizzly delisting
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service is

inclined to capitulate to “states rights” putting the future of grizzlies in
the hands of those who find them a nuisance and expensive; hence, rendering
their mission statement meaningless.

hold these grizzly truths to be self-evident; hence, for the Interagency
Grizzly Bear Study Team’s, team members, the Wyoming Game and Fish, Montana
Game and fish and Idaho Game and Fish to institute a hunting season within the
boundaries of the “Primary Conservation Area,” not only would be reckless, it
would be ludicrous!

Let’s not let this happen!

L Hunter is a writer, photographer, speaker and tour guide that works out of
Jackson Wyoming who once wrote a conservative column for JH Weekly called “And
Rightly So”.

March 04, 2015

Saudi Columnist Ahmad Al-Faraj on Obama's Arab Spring

Saudi Columnist Ahmad Al-Faraj On Obama

"Netanyahu Is Right To Insist On Addressing Congress About Iran Deal"

pull quote, read link above

"I will conclude by saying the following: Since Obama is the godfather of the prefabricated revolutions in the Arab world, and since he is the ally of political Islam, [which is] the caring mother of [all] the terrorist organizations, and since he is working to sign an agreement with Iran that will come at the expense of the U.S.'s longtime allies in the Gulf, I am very glad of Netanyahu's firm stance and [his decision] to speak against the nuclear agreement at the American Congress despite the Obama administration's anger and fury. I believe that Netanyahu's conduct will serve our interests, the people of the Gulf, much more than the foolish behavior of one of the worst American presidents. Do you agree with me?"